Why can't we organize data well?

Problems In Organizing Information

Problems: - Usual information has various attributes, so it cannot be classified on one criteria. - Associated information should be kept/listed together. - Stored Information should be readily accessible without distraction. - Data should be dynamically structured as desired.

Information management process

  1. Collect

  2. Analyze

  3. Classify <- Problem is here!

  4. Archive

  5. Browse

Essential elements of information management system

  • Structuring <- Problem is here!

  • Integrity

  • Safety

  • Accessibility <- Problem is here!

Existing Methods In Information Management

Keyword Searching


  • Can be used without having to analyze or classify data


  • Can not find data if there is no matching keyword in the content of the material

    • E.g., multilingual data, source code, image, sound...

  • Unwanted result are retrieved together

  • Difficult to find if the keywords are not selected properly

Directory Tree


  • Ideal for classifying data with single attribute

    • E.g., maps, calendars, organizational chart, etc.


  • Can't handle Bat Data

    • Let's try to decide where to put 'a bat' -> /HaveWings?, or /Mammal?

  • Usual data can not be categorized effectively because its various properties

    • E.g., dates, media types, purposes, subjects, versions, etc.

  • Impossible to organize data dynamically with desired criteria

  • Difficult to immediate access to desired data



  • Immediate access to data from selecting one of the listed tags

  • Well managed data can be classified into various criteria


  • User have to set several tags into each data manually

  • Omitting or mislabeling tags can lead to critical defect

  • If the meaning between tags are not mutually exclusive, semantic duplication occurs

  • Namespace conflicts when tags have the same title

Introducing `SlipStack`

Data management solution using `Multiple-Classification Tree` method

  • Excluding the shortcomings of the directory method and the tag method

  • Only the merits of two methods are combined

  • Streamlined UX reduces users' time and effort

`Multiple-Classification Tree` method:

  • Build up several trees for each attributes in semantically exclusively

    • E.g., Who, What, When, Where, Why, How ... etc.

  • Assign nodes to the data, corresponding to the attributes of the data

  • Selecting nodes in the trees lists up the result of logical operations of items

    • Filtered by selected nodes (AND, OR, NOT)

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